3 Ways to Build Faith
Trusting yourself is a process. It’s one that requires faith.
Faith has such a negative connotation for some people because of well... Christianity. This isn’t an issue, but people are definitely starting to stray away from the Christian churches and practice their religions at home. It is beautiful not only because traditional churches are problematic as fuck, but people are starting to have realizations. They are redefining what their beliefs and values are. They are decolonizing their minds spiritually which is a part of this awakening. Healing is a lifelong process. Daily affirmations, journaling, and meditation are three healthy ways to continue on your spiritual path and build faith.
If you find yourself overthinking or maybe you feel lost, try saying affirmations first thing in the morning. It will drastically change your overall mood for the day. Addressing yourself before others create a connection between your ego and higher self. This is a bond that will humble your ego and force it to follow your higher self’s directions to your purpose! You could also use this moment to create a list of things to accomplish for the day.
This list can be as simple as:
1. Wash my face
2. Brush my teeth
3. Make my bed
Consider this practice as a step towards learning to nurture yourself rather than jumping into the day blindly. Start by setting realistic goals. Later, you could begin to add a goal that you may or may not be able to get to within that day. Learn to acknowledge your accomplishments no matter how small. You are not defined by your output. Periodt.
I used to roll my eyes when spiritual guru’s mentioned journaling in any way shape or form. It sounded cheesy as hell to me to write out my feelings. But I realized I had a journal when I was younger and I most definitely bashed all my family members and elementary bullies in it. I processed so many emotions through writing and since I have surrendered to journaling, I’ve found that it can save you from some bad decisions or even conflict.
It can take a while to pinpoint what caused us to feel certain things. Journaling right after experiencing heightened emotions truly helps speed the process along. This includes both “good” and “bad” feelings/experiences. With journaling, you have to ability to write your life lessons. Rereading some of my journal entries helped me through situations where I felt as if I was being challenged or tested.
Another use of journaling is to keep a dream journal to reflect on your unconscious mind and also possibly learn a lesson. You could get a dream interpretation reading from someone in the craft to pinpoint certain symbolic images or actions you may have seen. This could be useful if you feel like you have crazy dreams that make absolutely no sense at all. There is always a message, trust me.
I would recommend starting slowly with this one because it may not be something easy to do. Try journaling once a week to start or whatever works for you.
This suggestion sounds cliché as fuck and I hate that but let me explain my definition of meditation. There is no one exact way to meditate. You’re probably thinking of a specific sitting position and trying to maintain a clear mind in silence. I am not knocking this way, but I lose my mind after 5 minutes of this.
I meditate by filling up my diffuser with water and adding eucalyptus, lavender, or sandalwood oil (even a mix of all three) and I lay down and rest. I might have ASMR videos or spiritual frequencies playing in the background. Sometimes I play my favorite music or silence if I have a lot on my mind.
The point of meditation is to take a moment to soak up the day or week and allow yourself to process your emotions. Our days are filled with fast-paced interactions and thoughts, so it is necessary to hold space for yourself to reflect.
Other ways to meditate are to go on a jog, nap, cook, read, or create something. Being relaxed is key, find what works for you.