Navigating Chaos
Uncertainty is a huge part of welcoming spirit into your life. I have talked about trusting in divine timing multiple times on my blog. I am a firm believer that the universe always provides. Through having this trust in both my own personal power and the universe, it has allowed me to overcome some of the most challenging times in my life. It is not easy to believe in the unknown but it is much simpler than allowing fear to overpower your intuition.
In times of stagnancy, it is a test from your spirit team to see if you’ve truly gained knowledge through your hardships. Usually your faith is tested in what seems to be a harsh way but these patterns in our lives are all about cycles. You will be presented with the same lessons until you choose to walk away from what does not serve you. It is simple, yet our egos create scenarios in our heads and force fear down our throats. Sometimes we allow our logic to overpower our inner knowing as well. All it takes is for you to take a step back and observe the ways in which you have contributed to your own downfall. Sounds simple… yet this action is one that requires accepting some harsh truths regarding your character, morals, and values. This means taking accountability for the times you’ve disregarded your intuition for temporary satisfaction.
You must truly honor your entire being in order to step into the life you want for yourself. At times you may be faced with choosing your peace over everything you know. Again this seems harsh, but if you think about it objectively the point of life is to learn and unlearn until you are able to understand. It is not meant to be easy. You may even realize the ways in which “life could’ve been simpler” had you listened to your intuition or guides. But that is just part of recognizing the ways you have made yourself small. It is apart of the journey. Ascension feels like you are so distant from that person you once were. Although this may be true, that person will always be apart of you and for that they deserve to be honored for creating the person you are now! Always show gratitude for your past self, it can be gut-wrenching and even nauseating to acknowledge past mistakes but the journey is about learning unconditional (self) love.
What if I told you happiness is not a destination but instead an appreciation for the journey?
Would you live your life differently?
I understand why it is so difficult for most people to have faith in the unknown. Hell it was terrifying for me when I first started my journey and it still is something I have to work through. The truth is the feeling of fear and anxiety will never go away. Trying to “get rid” of these feelings will result in madness because we are not meant to shame this side of us. Instead, we must learn how to work with these emotions and take control of our subconscious mind. This is one reason why meditation is so important in spirituality. Watching others leave our lives and moving on from our comforting surroundings is also very tough to stomach when being open to the unknown. It is human nature to want a community to support us and our endeavors. Nonetheless, it is essential to keep it pushing when others no longer fit in your life. Keep in mind that karma is very real. All of the effort you gracefully put into relationships will be returned to you but also the negative aspects. Be graceful in situations where you are faced with opposition to your journey to allow spirit/the universe to take care of your needs. Everything will be balanced in the end.
I took an extra week to write this post because I had more to learn from spirit. I never rush the process of receiving and understanding my downloads because I live through them in order to share with you all. I’ve been learning more about divine timing through this blog and I really do trust in the universe as a result. I would also like to note that I am not perfect because I occasionally slip into negative thought patterns and disappointment in my journey. However, I have learned how to release myself from these modes in order to allow spirit to guide me through rough times. Spirituality is a journey. There is no shoulda coulda woulda. Truths are revealed in due time with proper nurturing. This means that mental health is more important than anything else. Spirit understands this. It is up to you to find balance and what works for you! Don’t give up on yourself when things get slow or hard. Your faith will take you places overworking yourself cannot. Spiritual burnout is very real. It is not your fault but instead your responsibility to recognize the patterns and triggers associated with your spirituality. There is no guide to this but instead it’s about having unconditional love for yourself in order to move forward, regardless of what you have done and gone through.
I hope this resonated with y’all.
Sending love and light always,