Moving On
As a military kid, I spent my whole life working on this topic of moving on and rebuilding after moving from state to state. I felt like I had to leave parts of myself in certain places in order to start new in the next. Then again, I am a scorpio moon. LOL.
One thing I realized from my experiences is that you can start over as many times as you please. While writing this entry I saw 5:55am, which reminded me that sometimes change is inevitable and is required on our journeys. Holding on to pain, certain beliefs, or perspectives is an act of ego in effort to protect yourself from moving on. People find comfort in what they know because it is predictable however, we are on this Earth to work towards a higher level of understanding. Thus, it is essential to find comfort in the unknown because it is full of possibilities.
Imagine coming to this Earth to ignore your ancestors and spirit guides while repeating generational cycles. It is the same concept as someone abusing their children just because they were raised that way and “turned out fine.” I believe self worth has a play in this as well. If you see yourself in a negative light, of course you would not be open to new possibilities because you feel undeserving of a chance to be in a better situation. Another setback people often have trouble with is judgement from others when seeking out a new start. Those around you might project their insecurities onto you because they do not have the strength to go against the grain. This is why it is essential to rely on your intuition and spirit guides. If you seek validation from others, try to pray instead of reaching out to people you trust. You might be surprised by the signs and synchronicities that reveal themselves to you.
Moving on can look like many things. It can be the choice of mentally moving on from a pattern of self-hate or physically/emotionally moving on from those that no longer serve you. It depends on what you were taught growing up. Think about adults in your life that are so stuck in their ways they cannot fathom any other way of life or thinking. I think it’s plain embarrassing. Yes, we have limitations. Yes, trauma exists. Though, you cannot allow these earthly setbacks to make you feel undeserving of a new beginning. Read that again. It is not easy to move on from what we know. I never said it was, nor will I ever. Moving on from traumatic experiences requires dedication to yourself. It is not selfish to want a better life or to follow your life’s purpose. It is literally what you are here to do. Period.
I have many examples of moving on from painful traumatic experiences however, I think one is appropriate to share since I have already written about it in my last post Self-Sabotaging in Relationships. After leaving a toxic relationship, I had recognized a pattern/cycle with the person I was with. From that moment on, I vowed to never allow this generational cycle to continue. I made a commitment to myself in that moment, which is something I had never done. I was taught to serve others above myself and I realized that was absolute bullshit. Let me tell you how things work out when you choose yourself…
Since I had lived with my ex, I was homeless (and unemployed due to COVID-19) and needed help from friends. Spirit came through heavily during this time. I was on a mission despite the foggy brain I had from realizing all of the trauma I been through. Somehow I ended up in my own space with less friends but with the new beginning I had asked for. I aligned myself with the life I wanted. This took courage and determination to do better than what I knew. I also had to surrender to spirit and allow them to guide me into this new venture. Here is your warning: when you ask spirit for this beginning, be willing to let go of everything. You will be surprised who enters and leaves your life. Just know it is all apart of the transformation. Believe me, I saw all that I knew exit my life. Friends from elementary school, my family… the list goes on.
I understand that everyone has different ways of coping with situations, but spirit had given me these techniques in dream downloads. I feel it is important to share some things I did to cope with the anxiety and pain I felt at this time.
New beginning coping mechanisms:
Daily exercise or walks/hikes/adventures
This was my favorite out of all the coping strategies because getting out in nature is literally so healing. I found that spirit was sending me signs while I was out and it definitely helped me stay positive about my choice to move on. I also would go to parks to journal and release some of the things I was feeling.
I cannot stress enough how important meditation is on this journey. Taking a few minutes out of your day to listen to your higher self could be all the difference in succeeding in following your path. How will you know what to do or where to go without listening? I also recommend using affirmations to stay positive make these two coping strategies a routine and that is a recipe for success.
Do not suppress the anger you feel when moving on. Anger can be healthy when expressed correctly. Use your anger to fuel your creativity in life and through this you will overcome it. I would make jewelry when I was angry so I could manage the amount of energy I used while expressing this feeling. I cried through the pain but simultaneously figured out that this anger that arose from me was a realization that the life I was living for so long was a challenge that I had overcome. I felt grateful for myself and my power.
This was the final part of the Divine Counterparts series! Thank you so much for your support and for being here. You are loved even by those you cannot see.